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A (Nearly) Complete Bibliography of works by Carrie Vaughn


Kitty Novels

Kitty's Mix-Tape, Tachyon Publications, 2020 (short story collection)

The Immortal Conquistador, Tachyon Publications, 2020 (short story collection)

Kitty Saves the World, Tor Books, 2015

Low Midnight, Tor Books, 2014

Kitty in the Underworld, Tor Books, 2013

Kitty Rocks the House, Tor Books, 2013

Kitty Steals the Show, Tor Books, 2012

Kitty's Greatest Hits, Tor Books, 2011 (short story collection)

Kitty's Big Trouble, Tor Books, 2011

Kitty Goes to War, Tor Books, 2010

Kitty's House of Horrors, Grand Central Publishing, 2010

Kitty Raises Hell, Grand Central Publishing, 2009

Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand, Grand Central Publishing, 2009

Kitty and the Silver Bullet, Grand Central Publishing, 2008.

Kitty Takes a Holiday, Warner Books/Hachette Book Group, 2007

Kitty Goes to Washington, Warner Books, 2006

Kitty and The Midnight Hour, Warner Books, 2005

Long Time Listener, First Time Werewolf, Science Fiction Book Club omnibus edition, 2007. (Includes Kitty and The Midnight Hour, Kitty Goes to Washington, Kitty Takes a Holiday, and short story "Kitty Meets the Band".)

The Kitty series is available on unabridged audiobook from Tantor Media.

The British publisher for the Kitty series is the Orion Publishing Group.

The first six Kitty books are available in German from Heyne.

The French publisher for the Kitty series is Pygmalion.

The Polish publisher is Amber.

The Kitty novels are also available in Spanish.

Other Kitty-related Stories

Kitty's Greatest Hits contains most of the short stories written about Kitty's world between about 2003 and 2010. It also includes a new short story, "You're on the Air," and a novella about Cormac, "Long Time Waiting." It's available in trade paperback and hardcover from Tor Books, 2011.

The Immortal Conquistador, from Tachyon Publications, March 2020. Contains stories and a novella telling the history of vampire Rick.
Also available as an Audiobook.

Paranormal Bromance, Dec. 2014. An e-pub novella about three Gen-X vampires sharing an apartment who learn that being a vampire isn't as easy as it looks on TV. The link goes to more information, and links to all available platforms.

Paranormal Bromance is also available on audiobook from Tantor Media!

The Cormac and Amelia Novellas

He's an ex-con former bounty hunter. She's the spirit of a Victorian wizard. Together, they... solve some really weird stuff!

These novellas are available as ebooks on Kindle, Nook, and Apple Books, and on audio.

Dark Divide, October 2019

Badlands Witch, November 2019

Fatal Storm, November 2021

Charmed Waters, December 2021

Broken Roads, January 2024

The first four novellas, plus "Long Time Waiting," are collected with new material in The Cormac and Amelia Case Files. Published October 2022.

The Coast Road Novels

The Wild Dead, John Joseph Adams Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018

Bannerless, John Joseph Adams Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017

***Winner of the 2018 Philip K. Dick Award***

Bannerless is available as an audiobook from Recorded Books.

The Wild Dead is available on audio from Recorded Books.

The German translation, Die Banner von Haven, is available from Arctis Verlag.

Other Novels

The Naturalist Society, 47North, 2024

Questland, John Joseph Adams Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021

Dreams of the Golden Age, Tor Books, 2014

After the Golden Age, Tor Books, 2011

Discord's Apple, Tor Books, 2010

Discord's Apple is available as an unabridged audiobook from Brilliance Audio.

Young Adult Novels

Martians Abroad, Tor Books, January 2017

Martians Abroad is available as an audiobook from Recorded Books.

Voices of Dragons, Harper Teen, 2010

Steel, Harper Teen, 2011. (Steel was included on the 2012 Amelia Bloomer List, recognizing works for young readers that include feminist themes.)

E-book Refuge of Dragons, the long-awaited sequel to Voices of Dragons, was published March 2017: Kindle link, Nook link, and iBooks link

The Locksley Chronicles

These novellas are available in print, ebook, and audio.

The Ghosts of Sherwood, Tor.com, June 2020

The Heirs of Locksley, Tor.com, August 2020

Wild Cards

"Days Go By," Sleeper Straddle, February 2024.

Wild Cards: Now and Then, a graphic novel. Random House, July 2023.

"Grow", Tor.com, July 2022.

"Age of Wonders," Wild Cards: Deuces Down, reissued Tor Books, 2021.

"Long is the Way," co-written with Sage Walker, Tor.com, May 2019.

"Unraveling," Wild Cards IX: Jokertown Shuffle, reissued Tor Books, 2019.

"A Broken Thread in a Dark Room," Wild Cards VIII: One-Eyed Jacks, reissued Tor Books, 2018.

"A Big Break in the Small Time," Wild Cards: Mississippi Roll, Tor Books, 2017.

"The Thing About Growing Up in Jokertown," Tor.com, December 2016.

"Once More, for Old Times Sake," Lowball, 2014, Tor Books.

"Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza", Tor.com, October 2014.

"Always Spring in Prague," Wild Cards 4: Aces Abroad, reissue, 2015, Tor Books.

"Ghost Girl Takes Manhattan," Wild Cards, Vol. 1 reissue, 2010, Tor Books. (Read this story on Tor.com.)

"Just Cause," Busted Flush, 2008 Tor Books (Reprinted in Super Stories of Heroes and Villains, ed. by Claude Lalumiere, 2013.)

"Chosen Ones," Inside Straight, 2008 Tor Books


Water Fire Fae: Stories, Carrie Vaughn, LLC, 2023. Funded on Kickstarter.

Kitty's Mix-Tape, Tachyon Publications, 2020 (short story collection)

The Immortal Conquistador, Tachyon Publications, 2020 (short story collection)

Amaryllis and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2016. Available in print and e-book. ***Won the 2017 Colorado Book Award for Genre Fiction!***

Kitty's Greatest Hits, Tor Books, 2011: Collects most of the Kitty short stories published between 2003 and 2010, plus new short story "You're on the Air" and the new novella "Long Time Waiting."

Straying from the Path, WSFA Press, 2011: Limited edition, signed and numbered, in conjunction with Capclave 2011. Includes 10 reprinted stories. E-books available on most formats: Kindle, Nook, iTunes, and Kobo.

Others and Sundry

"Simulation: A Short Play," world premier on September 22, 2016 at Linfield College as part of their theater department's opening season One Acts.

"All the World is Waiting for You," Last Night, a Superhero Saved My Life, ed. by Liesa Mignogna. St. Martin's Press, 2016. An essay about growing up, writing, and Wonder Woman.

"Cocktail Laboratory," Ad Astra: the 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook, ed. Cat Rambo and Fran Wilde. 2016. My instructions on how to turn drinking into SCIENCE.

Carrie reviews movies for Lightspeed Magazine. Find a list of links to her reviews here.

Shorter Work

"The Fairford Duck," The Sunday Morning Transport, February 2025.
A recently discovered entry in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle raises some eyebrows.

"Ninth Life," Celebrating Charles de Lint, January 2025.
In celebration of the work of Charles de Lint, a story about Esther the Cat, who really thought she would get to rest this life.

"Bravado," Reactor Magazine, January 2025.
Graff, a gay hedonistic secret cyborg, gets his start.

"Between Above and Below," Lightspeed, July 2024.
The point of a refuge, even for an angel, is that there isn't supposed to be anyone else there. But someone's always watching.

"Himalia," Clarkesworld, June 2024.
A story about Jupiter's sixth-largest moon and the people who call it home.

"A War of Dust and Feathers", Brigid's Sisters: The Art of Elizabeth Leggett, 2023.
Warfare. Magic. A wizard's last battle.

"Not the Most Romantic Thing," Tor.com, October 2023.
An early Graff story: Graff and Ell go on a mission together and make some discoveries.

"The Tyrant's Heir's Tale", Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 2023.
In a city still recovering from tyranny, past assumptions cause current problems.

"The Queen of Copies Meets Her Match", Analog, July/Aug 2023.
This is (sort of) based on a true story.

"Dara Needs a Better Job",, Sunday Morning Transport, June 2023.
Just what it says on the tin. Dara really needs a better job.

"Vast and Trunkless Legs of Stone", Clarkesworld, June 2023.
This first contact scenario doesn't go the way anyone expected it to.

"Learning Letters",, Lightspeed, Feb 2023.
Enid of Haven, from the Bannerless series, gets an unexpected visitor.

"Time: Marked and Mended",, Tor.com, January 2023.
Graff has a glitch in his memory - which is supposed to be impossible.

"Polly and (Not) Charles Conquer the Solar System",, Clarkesworld, August 2022.
This is the long-awaited sequel to Martian's Abroad. Let's find out what Polly and Charles are up to seven or so years later!

"Dead Poets," Someone In Time, May 2022, ed Jonathan Strahan
Studying literature is the process of falling in love with dead people, over and over again.

"The Voyage of Brenya," Lost Worlds and Mythological Kingdoms, March 2022, ed John Joseph Adams.
The gods have left the land. Brenya is going to get them back.

"Entanglement: Or How I Failed to Knit a Sweater for My Boyfriend," Lightspeed Magazine, Dec 2021
It's a story about knitting. And angels.

"The Burning Girl," Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 202.
The Norman Conquest but with Superheroes. Reprinted in The Year's Top Tales of Space and Time 2, ed. Allan Kaster, Sept 2022.

"An Easy Job," Tor.com, June 2021.
Graff is a cyborg. But none of his closest friends and colleagues know that...

"The Book of the Kraken," Uncanny Magazine #39, March/April 2021.
It's the age-old story about a girl and her squid...

"We Take Care of Everything"
Part 1: "The Department of Talent Resources"
Part 2: "Keep Your Streak Going!"
Part 3: "You Have Been Crowdfunded"
The Dystopia Triptych, edited by John Joseph Adams, Christie Yant, Hugh Howey, Summer 2020.

Sinew and Steel and What they Told, Tor.com, February 2020.
Graff has been keeping a big secret from his closest friends, the captain and crew of a pirate-hunting starship...
Reprinted in Some of the Best from Tor.com 2020.
Reprinted in The Long List Anthology Vol 7, ed. David Steffen, 2022.
Reprinted in The Best Science Fiction of the Year vol 6, ed. Neil Clarke, 2022.

"Gremlin," Asimov's Science Fiction, May/June 2019.
A novella about a family of women pilots from World War II and beyond.
Reprinted: Forever Magazine #61, edited Neil Clarke, February 2020.

"Sidekick," Unfettered III, ed. by Shawn Speakman, March 2019.
She's just the secretary. Honest.

Marlowe and Harry and the Disinclined Laboratory," Lightspeed Magazine, February 2019.
Lt. Marlowe meets Princess Maud of Wales, aka Harry, for a second time.

"To the Beautiful Shining Twilight," The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Jan/Feb 2019.
A coffee shop, an old flame, and the land of Faerie come back to haunt a musician thirty years after her big adventure.

"The Island of Beasts," Nightmare Magazine, December 2018.
In early 1800's England, werewolves who can't adapt to society are sent into exile.

"Closer to the Sky," Mechanical Animals, ed. by Selena Chambers and Jason Heller, Hex Publishing, November 2018.
A tale of the old west and that most sacred of genres: the story of a girl and her horse.

"Harry and Marlowe and the Secret of Ahomana," Lightspeed Magazine, September 2018.
Steampunk adventurers Harry and Marlowe come to a fateful reckoning.

"The Huntsman and the Beast," Asimov's Science Fiction, Sept/October 2018.
A retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
Reprinted at Lightspeed Magazine, Aug. 2020 issue.

"Where Would You Be Now," February 2018, Tor.com
This is a prequel to the novel Bannerless, about the start of it all.

"Dead Men in Central City, Asimov's Science Fiction, Sept/Oct. 2017
That one time Rick the vampire met Doc Holliday at a faro table in Colorado.
Reprinted in Lightspeed Magazine, May 2021.

"The Evening of Their Span of Days," Infinity Wars, ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris Books, September 2017.

"Bellum Romanum," Urban Enemies, ed. Joseph Nassise, Gallery Books, August 1, 2017.
The origin story of Gaius Albinus, aka Roman, aka Kitty's arch-nemesis!

"I Have Been Drowned in Rain", Beneath Ceaseless Skies, April 2017.

"Alchemy," Tor.com, March 2017, as part of the Nevertheless, She Persisted compilation.

"Redcap," Nightmare Magazine, January 2017.
A new look at a very old story, with blood."

"The Thing About Growing Up in Jokertown," Tor.com, December 2016.

"The Mind is Its Own Place," Asimov's Science Fiction, September 2016.
FTL is possible, but there is a cost in the minds of some of those who cross those vast distances.
Reprinted in Forever, Issue 24
Reprinted in The Final Frontier, edited by Neil Clarke.

"The Lady of Shalott," Swords v. Cthulhu, ed. Jesse Bullington and Molly Tanzer, Stone Skin Press, August 2016.
I rewrote that damned poem in my head so it's okay now.
Reprinted at Nightmare Magazine, April 2019.

"Takes All Kinds," co-written with Diana Rowland, Urban Allies, ed. by Joseph Nassise, Harper Voyager, 2016.
A crossover anthology. In this story, Kitty teams up with Diana's Angel Crawford. She's a werewolf, she's a zombie -- they solve crime!

"Origin Story," Lightspeed Magazine, April 2016.
"Living in Commerce City, odds are you're going to get caught up in something someday..."
Reprinted in Behind the Mask, ed. by Tricia Reeks and Kyle Richardson, Meerkat Press, 2017.

"That Game We Played During the War," Tor.com, March 2016.
The people of Gaant are telepaths. The people of Enith are not.
Reprinted in The Years Best Science Fiction Vol. 34, ed. by Gardner Dozois
Reprinted in The Best Science Fiction of the Year, ed. Neil Clarke
Listen to this story on Escape Pod.
***Finalist for the 2017 Hugo Award for Best Short Story!!!***
Finalist for the 2017 Locus Award!!!

"El Hidalgo de la Noche," an original e-book short, Nov. 2015. This link takes you to ordering info for most platforms.
The further adventures of Rick the Vampire in colonial Mexico.

"The Girl Who Loved Shonen Knife," Hanzai Japan, ed. by Nick Mamatas and Masumi Washington, October 2015.
All she wants is for her band, the greatest Shonen Knife cover band in the world, to play at the high school spring dance. The only thing stopping her is the end of the world.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Crime and Mystery Stories 2016, ed by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and John Helfers.

"GI Joe: That Famous Silent Issue." Kindleworlds, August 2015.
My own take on the greatest love story of all time: Snake Eyes and Scarlett.

"Crazy Rhythm," Lightspeed Magazine, July 2015.
In the Golden Age of silent-era Hollywood, a veteran of the Great War faces demons.
Redshift produced an audio play of "Crazy Rhythm" in 2017.

"Bannerless," The End Has Come, edited by John Joseph Adams and Hugh Howey, May 2015.
In a bucolic post-apocalypse, and investigator examines the unthinkable: an unauthorized pregnancy. This is the prequel story to "Amaryllis."
**This story was previewed on Wired.com.
Reprinted in The Best Science Fiction of the Year Vol. 1, ed. by Neil Clarke, 2016.
Reprinted in The Years Best Science Fiction, ed. by Gardner Dozois, 2016.

"Sun, Stone, Spear," Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 2015
A neolithic astronomer and hunter journey through their land in search of their future.
Reprinted in The Best of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Year Seven.

"Sealskin," Operation Arcana, ed. John Joseph Adams, April 2015.
A Navy SEAL with webbed hands discovers a little bit about his true heritage on a visit to Ireland.

"Goodness and Kindness," The Doll Collection, edited by Ellen Datlow, March 2015.
Those Kewpie dolls only want what's best for you.

"The Beaux Wilde," Urban Fantasy Magazine, December 2014
A trio of odd brothers is keeping a secret from their genteel Regency Neighbors.

"Dancing with the Mouse King", Fantasy for Good, ed. Jordan Ellinger, December 2014.
This is my creepy retelling of The Nutcracker. Happy Holidays!

"The Art of Fly Fishing in Low Gravity," FenCon Program Book, September 2014.
A special for the convention where I was a Special Workshop Guest of Honor.

"G.I. Joe: Luck Be a Lady," Kindle Worlds, July 2014.
That G.I. Joe fanfic you've all been waiting for.

"Harry and Marlowe Versus the Haunted Locomotive of the Rockies," Lightspeed Magazine, July 2014.
Harry and Marlowe go west! And meet a very strange thing.
Reprinted in Georgetone Haunts and Mysteries, Hex Publishers

"Roaring Twenties," Rogues, ed. George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, June 2014.
A couple of dolls in a speakeasy are working an angle...

"Salvage," , Lightspeed Magazine Special Women Destroy Science Fiction! issue, June 2014.
A starship crew discovers a derelict craft, and boards to explore what went wrong...
Reprinted in Shapers of Worlds Vol II, edited by Edward Willett, October 2021.

"Harry and Marlowe and the Intrigues at the Aetherian Exhibition," Lightspeed Magazine, February 2014.
In which we meet Harry's family: aka the Royal Family of England.

"Raisa Stepanova," Dangerous Women, ed. George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, December 2013.
A Soviet fighter pilot in 1943 wants more than anything to become the first women fighter ace in the world.

"Unternehmen Werwolf," Halloween: Magic, Mystery, and the Macabre, ed. by Paula Guran, September 2013.
This is the story of Fritz, a werewolf soldier in Nazi Germany.

"The Best We Can," Tor.com , July 2013.
A brief story about first contact.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction 31, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Reprinted in audio in The Year's Top Ten Science Fiction Tales 6.
Reprinted in The Berlin Quarterly, Spring 2016.
Reprinted in Worlds Seen in Passing: 10 Years of Tor.com Short Fiction, Tor Books, 2018.
Reprinted in audio at Escape Pod.
Featured on the podcast LeVar Burton Reads.

"Game of Chance," Unfettered, ed. Shawn Speakman, June 2013.
This is how you change the world, with the roll of the dice.
Reprinted at Lightspeed Magazine.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2014, ed. by Rich Horton.

"Fishwife," Nightmare Magazine, June 2013.
A damp foray into Lovecraftian horror.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2014, ed. by Paula Guran.
Reprinted in New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird, ed. Paula Guran, 2015.

"The Art of Homecoming," Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2013.
If you don't have a home, you make one.

"Harry and Marlow Meet the Founder of the Aetherian Revolution," The Mad Scientists Guide to World Domination, ed. John Joseph Adams, February 2013.
Another in the series of steampunk stories about an alternate Britain -- with aliens.
Reprinted at Lightspeed Magazine, Sept. 2015.

"Harry and Marlow Escape the Mechanical Siege of Paris," Lightspeed, February 2013.
This tells the story of how Harry and Marlowe first meet.

"Astrophilia," Clarkesworld, July 2012.
At some point after the apocalypse, you have to move forward.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction 30, ed. by Gardner Dozois.
Reprinted in The Heiresses of Russ 2013: The Year's Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction, ed. by Steve Berman and Tenea D. Johnson.
Reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Science Fiction by Women, ed. by Alix Dally McFarlane, 2014.
Reprinted in Clarkesworld: Year Six, 2014.

"The Arcane Art of Misdirection," Hex Appeal, ed. P.N. Elrod, June 2012.
Odysseus Grant in the spotlight this time. A Kitty-world story.
Reprinted in Magic City: Recent Spells, edited by Paula Guran, 2014.

"Caverns of Science," Apex Magazine, February 2012.
A poem.

"Now Purple With Love's Wound," Brave New Love, ed. Paula Guran, February 2012.
Love is all about choosing, isn't it?

"Harry and Marlow and the Talisman of the Cult of Egil," Lightspeed, February 2012.
Harry and Marlow, in an alternate 19th century, push the envelope.
Reprinted in Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution, edited by Ann VanderMeer, November 2012.
Reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Steampunk Adventures, ed. by Sean Wallace, 2014.

"Don Quixote," Armored, ed. John Joseph Adams, 2012.
A pair of journalists witness the close of the Spanish Civil War, and make a discovery.
Reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk, ed. Sean Wallace, 2015.
Audio at StarShipSofa

"It's Still the Same Old Story," Down These Strange Streets, ed. George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, November 2011.
This is a story about Rick.

"Threads," The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities, ed. Jeff and Ann VanderMeer, Harper Voyager, June 2011.
This is a story about a very strange tapestry.

"Defining Shadows," Those Who Fight Monsters, ed. by Justin Gustainis, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, March 2011.
This features Detective Hardin investigating a very strange murder.
Reprinted in Weird Detectives: Recent Investigations, edited by Paula Guran

"Rooftops" Songs of Love and Death: Tales of Star-crossed Love, ed. George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, November 2010.
Think twice about falling in love with a superhero.

"Amaryllis," Lightspeed Magazine, debut issue, June 2010.
A post apocalyptic story about home and hope. Read this story online!
Reprinted in Brave New Worlds, edited by John Joseph Adams, from Night Shade Books.
Reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois, from St. Martin's Press.
Reprinted in Lightspeed: Year One, edited by John Joseph Adams, from Prime Books.
Reprinted in After the End: Recent Apocalypses, edited by Paula Guran
Reprinted in Rollercoasters: Utopia and Dystopia, Oxford University Press, May 2024.
Listen to a podcast at Escape Pod.
**"Amaryllis" was nominated for a Hugo Award for 2011.**
**"Amaryllis" won the WSFA Small Press Award for best short story in 2011.

"God's Creatures" Dark and Stormy Knights, ed. P.N. Elrod, July 2010.
See what Cormac is up to when he's not in the Kitty books.

"Wild Ride" Running with the Pack, ed. Ekaterina Sedia, 2010.
A Kitty-world story -- T.J.'s origin, revealed.

"The Girls from Avenger" Warriors, ed. Gardner Dozois and George R.R. Martin, March 2010.
The WASP fight battles at home.
Reprinted in Warrior Women, ed. by Paula Guran, 2015.

"Kitty Learns the Ropes" Full Moon City, ed. Darrell Schweitzer, March 2010
Kitty sees how lycanthropy affects pro sports. Specifically, boxing.

"Just Another Word" Realms of Fantasy, April 2010
In which Janis Joplin meets the Queen of Faerie, because I'm quite sure she did.

"The Book of Daniel" Talebones #39, Winter 2009
A retelling of the story of Daniel in the lion's den.

"Watching" Killer Rabbits and Zombie Raccoons, ed. Kerrie Hughes, October 2009
Ever wonder what all those urban pigeons are really up to?

"Conquistador de la Noche" Subterranean Online, ed. Gardner Dozois, Spring 2009.
It's the origin story of Rick the vampire! Where did he come from, and did he really know Coronado?
Read this story online!
Reprinted in Vampires: The Recent Undead, edited by Paula Guran, 2011.
Reprinted in Year's Best Fantasy #10, edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer.

"1977" Ravens in the Library, ed. Phil Brucato and Sandra Buskirk, Spring 2009
This is a limited edition benefit anthology for SJ Tucker.
Reprinted on Drabblecast.

"The Temptation of Robin Green" The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance, ed. Trisha Telep, April 2009
A young researcher finds more than she bargained for in the paranormal.
Reprinted in Love is Strange, ed. by Martin H. Greenberg, Rosalind Greenberg.

"The Happiest Place" Realms of Fantasy, Feb 2009.
Being a magical princess has its price.

"Il Est Ne" Wolfsbane and Mistletoe, ed. by Charlaine Harris, October 2008.
Kitty spends a Christmas alone and meets another rogue wolf.

"The Nymph's Child" Fast Ships, Black Sails, Fall 2008.
Arrrr! Pirates!!!
Reprinted at Fantasy Magazine. Read it here!

"Gamma Ray vs. Death," in an anthology Better Off Undead, from DAW Books, November 2008.
Superhero Gamma Ray faces his most challenging foe.

"Little Black Dress" Spicy Slipstream Stories, ed. by Jay Lake and Nick Mamatas, September 2008.
Sometimes you need more than a little black dress to get by.

"Life is the Teacher" Hotter Than Hell, ed. by Kim Harrison, June 2008.
A story in which we check up on Emma, from Kitty Goes to Washington.
Reprinted in By Blood We Live, ed. John Joseph Adams, August 2009

"A Letter to Nancy" Realms of Fantasy, August 2008.
In World War I, a nurse discovers the unexpected power of hope.
Reprinted at WORDS Zine by Hex Publishers.

"Free Space" Baen's Universe, August 2007
A desperate chase on a refurbished space station uncovers nasty secrets.

"Kitty's Zombie New Year" Weird Tales #345.
A new year's party goes a bit wrong for Kitty...
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant.**
Reprinted in The Urban Fantasy Anthology, edited by Peter S. Beagle and Joe R. Lansdale, 2011.
Reprinted in Zombies: More Recent Undead, ed. by Paula Guran, 2014.
Read this story on Tor.com

"Swing Time" Baen's Universe, June 2007.
Like dancing with the stars? Try dancing through time.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois.**
**Reprinted in The Best of Jim Baen's Universe Vol. 2**
**Reprinted in The Time Traveler's Almanac, ed. by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, 2014**
**Reprinted at Lightspeed Magazine, August 2017.

"Marrying In" Asimov's Science Fiction, June 2007
Helluva way to get a green card...
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois.**

"A Princess of Spain" The Secret History of Vampires, ed. by Darrell Schweitzer, from DAW Books, April 2007
Catherine of Aragon finds danger and intrigue in the court of Henry VII.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant.**
Reprinted in Lightspeed, November 2012. Read this story online.
Reprinted in Blood Sisters: Vampire Stories by Women, ed. by Paula Guran, 2015.

"Looking After Family" Realms of Fantasy, February 2007.
A sixteen year old Cormac hunts his first werewolf.

"Crows" Talebones, #34 Winter 2006
The battle is over, but not for one desperate man with a hopeless task.

"Of Swords and Horses" Realms of Fantasy, December 2006.
Those left behind also pay a price.
Reprinted in Other Worlds Than These, edited by John Joseph Adams, 2012.

"For Fear of Dragons" Weird Tales, Oct-Nov 2006.
The designated virgin sacrifice has other ideas about her true destiny.
Reprinted in Weird Tales, The 21st Century: Vol. 1, from Prime Books, 2007.
Reprinted in Catalysts, Explorers, & Secret Keepers: Women of Science Fiction, from the Museum of Science Fiction.
Listen to a podcast version at Pod Castle.

"Winnowing the Herd," Strange Horizons, Oct. 16, 2006
A Kitty story of sorts, takes place before the first novel: It's the staff appreciation party at KNOB.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois.**

"The Last Moments of a Doomed Race" Son and Foe #4, 2006.
Epic in scope, rather smaller in size.

"Real City," Futurismic.com, June 2006.
In the future, a group of filmmakers wants to make a movie without CGI and blue screens.

"Kitty and the Mosh Pit of the Damned" Weird Tales #338
Punk show. Soul-stealer. Nail gun. It's Kitty's night on the town!

"The Whimsical Lives of Bean Counters" Talebones 31, Winter 2005
In which we examine the magic of being an accountant.

"Draw Thy Breath in Pain," Paradox, Issue 8, December 2005
The ghost of a certain Danish prince compels a certain Elizabethan playwright to tell his story.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 19th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, and Gavin Grant.**

"Danaë at Sea" TEL: Stories, edited by Jay Lake, Fall 2005. Available from Wheatland Press.
A story about women put to sea in sealed caskets.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois.**

"Dances from the Unseelie Court," The Eggplant Online Library, May 2005
An excerpt from a book which does not exist.

"The Bravest of Us Touched the Sky" Talebones 29, Winter 2004
In 1943, two WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) embark on a secret mission with unexpected consequences .
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 18th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, and Gavin Grant.**

"Peace in Our Time," Futurismic.com, December 2004
Someone has to play Taps at the funeral.

"This is the Highest Step in the World" All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, October 2004
Inspired by a harrowing true story from the heyday of U.S. aerospace research.

"After the Golden Age" The Dogtown Review 1, May 2004
What do superheroes do when faced with the end of the world?

"Kitty Loses Her Faith" Weird Tales, #333, Fall 2003
The further adventures of Kitty Norville, a werewolf with her own call-in radio talk show for the supernaturally disadvantaged.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 17th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, and Gavin Grant.**

"A Hunter's Ode to His Bait" Realms of Fantasy, February 2003
An unexpected complication arises in the life of a unicorn hunter.
Reprinted online at Fantasy Magazine.
Listen to an audio version at PodCastle.
Reprinted in The Unicorn Anthology, ed. by Peter Beagle and Jacob Weisman, April 2019.

"Strife Lingers in Memory" Realms of Fantasy, December 2002
The war is over, the rightful king has married his one true love--and some battles remain yet to be fought.
Reprinted in Epic, edited by John Joseph Adams, 2012.
Reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Warriors and Wizardy, ed. by Sean Wallace, 2014.

"The Heroic Death of Lieutenant Michkov" Polyphony 1, Fall 2002.
History depends on what stories are told about a given place, time, and hero.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 16th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling.**

"The Librarian's Daughter" Realms of Fantasy, August 2002
This is a story about a girl, her horse, and the man who almost came between them.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 16th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling.**

"Silence Before Starlight" Talebones 23, Winter 2001
In orbit above Europa, two astronauts cling to their sanity.
See a full-color version of Frank Wu's way-cool illustration for this story: www.frankwu.com

"Doctor Kitty Solves All Your Love Problems" Weird Tales 324, Summer 2001.
Kitty Norville's popular call-in radio advice show for supernatural beings runs into trouble when a vampire hunter gets in on the act.

"In Time"Talebones 21, Spring 2001
Emily Dickinson and her dog Carlo have one last adventure.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 19th Annual Year's Best Science Fiction, edited by Gardner Dozois.**

"A Riddle in Nine Syllables" Talebones 20, Fall 2000.
Alien parasite meets maternal instinct.
An audio version is available at Drabblecast.

"The Haunting of Princess Elizabeth" Sword and Sorceress XVII, edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW Books, May 2000.
A young Elizabeth Tudor is haunted by the ghosts of Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard, and Jane Grey.

"The Girl with the Pre-Raphaelite Hair" Talebones 17, Fall 1999.
A twisted love triangle between a telepath, an AI, and the scientist who controls them both.
**Received an Honorable Mention in the 13th Annual Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling.**
Reprinted in The Best of Talebones, from Fairwood Press, 2010.

"PCS" Military Lifestyle Magazine, July 1994.